Sunday 3 June 2007

Sandals of Blood

As the weather has been extremely lovely this weekend, and friend and I went on a walk around the City of London yesterday. This is my tourist tip, non Londoners - the City empties at the weekend and apart from a few streets around St. Paul's you can have the place to yourself. I realise I should follow this with a lecture on why there's a bit of the city called The City but just think 'Wall St with added Roman walls, medieval road structure and Georgian churches' or read some Wikipedia.

I did what I always do which is wear wholly inappropriate shoes. It's summer! Those sandals were okay when I wore them to the shops! Accessories make or break an outfit!

As I made my sorry, slow way home I rued the next few days of bathtime pain and comedy workplace hobbling.

You know it's summer when you can't see your feet for the Elastoplast.


Chris said...

At least they weren't fucking heelies...

Ferdinand the Duck said...

Miss you, hope everything is okay, keep blogging!

Chris said...

Hey, just noticed you back at BBB. And this would be my medium of saying hi, because I'm still not signing up there...

La G said...

Hello there. Nice to see you about :)

Yeah, I kind of decided "why the fuck not" about BBB - although I'm avoiding the TWoP stuff 'cos I don't really hang out there any more. Plus, I'm the world's shittest blogger.

Chris said...

I was going to come here to reply to your talking about The Queen and Atonement but... then I realised you know how I feel about The Queen and/or Atonement if you're reading the blog.

So it's all kind of redundant.

