Monday 28 May 2007

Mostly liking...

1/ Not being in InterWebland recently. I had thought of weening myself off a little after all the InterDrama of recent months and also had shit to do. Have painted my kitchen a wondrous shade of orange not unlike this website and my balcony is now filled with pots of lilies, dahlias and lots of bird feeders. I will become the strange bird lady of SW4, which is not such a bad fate. Greenfinches are mean bastards, by the way, don't stand between them and a peanut.

2/ I have started having the odd fag again, but ridiculously, only in secret. I don't want to admit to anyone I've restarted, as that would be admitting failure. So I go to the pub, don't smoke all evening, then have three in the bus queue on the way home. I have regressed to being 15 again. Must get drugs...

3/ Half Nelson. Brilliant film. Ryan Gosling gives the best performance I've seen in years. Also enjoyed recommending it to friends as "a film about dialectical materialism and crack"

4/ Doctor Who. I wasn't enjoying the series so far - the writing just didn't seem as good as previously and I was starting to get annoyed by Tennant's hyper kinetic portrayal. But I loved the first episode of 'Human Nature'. It looked stunning, the baddies are very creepy indeed, Tennant gave a well judged performance - still and thoughtful with just the odd glimpse of Ten poking out from underneath. This story has all the questions DW does best; what does it mean to be human? Love, Death, running and posh boy jokes.

5/ Lost. I did sniffle when Charlie died. I am from the Shire after all.

Thursday 10 May 2007


Tony Blair's "SHOCK, HORROR except not really at all" resignation, the important news today is that I've decided on whom I want to win Eurovision - Georgia. It's actually not a bad song by competition standards at all, which means it's bound to die a quiet death whilst something gimmicky or truly awful wins. Judge for yourself;

The last time the UK won was in 1997, when our European brothers and sisters appeared to thank us for finally voting the Tories out (you doubt a song contest gets that petty and political? - you have never watched the Eurovision results). Oh, those happy days, back when expectations where so high and everyone thought we'd be getting on with Europe again. Even Tony himself couldn't help but sound terribly nostalgic for those pre-Iraq and pre-Bush days.
Maybe, as he said, the expectations were too high? I certainly remember drinking champagne outside the Festival Hall, watching the sun come up and really believing that this was the dawn of a better era - and it went pretty bloody well for a short period of time.

Then came Iraq, GP contracts, Iraq, the return of internal markets to the NHS, NASS, civil liberty disasters, Iraq and um...Iraq. And it strikes me that all the other cock ups and mismanagement would have been far better tolerated by the electorate - and better judged by history even - but for one foreign policy decision. Hague said today that Blair was the most formidable opponent the Tories had ever faced. Now, my friend J says I underestimate Cameron, but to me it seems that the only person who was ever able to defeat and discredit him was Blair.