Sunday 3 June 2007

A Family of Blood.

Last night's Doctor Who was fantastic - I'd say my favourite Ten story by a country mile, and up there with The Parting of the Ways and The Doctor Dances as my favourite new Who episodes.

The best of this series is always a love song to humanity at its most flawed, which is always when we show our best. John Smith was a great human - filled with doubt and fear, but in the end he sacrificed all of that - that warm loving future he could almost grasp, that precious single shot at life - so that those he had truly loved could go on. The biggest recipient was someone who knows all about love and loss but has to steel himself, forever and ever, against it. The Doctor. He was his most astonishing and most terrible in this.

Loved the use of the Oncoming Storm of WW1, the Doctor and Time itself. The macabre beauty and horror of both modern warfare and the family's fate. Everybody acted their pants off, but Tennant really was terrific.

In other news - Big Brother is not reinvigorated by the arrival of z list celebrity in a melted Patrick Bateman mask. Must Do Better.
Also Lee must beat dark forces of Lewis to win final of "Musical Reality Show La G will never go and see yet becomes inextricably sucked into vortex of". Luckily he's got better odds than Dettori but I'm still scared of a massed teen/Scottish voter upset.

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