Saturday 28 April 2007


Were excellent in a way I wasn't expecting. Had I not bought the tickets in a fit of "I'm bored at work - let's spend cash on the internet" pique I'd have noticed that rather than a standard gig it was actually Jason Pierce, a keyboardist, three gospel singers and a string quartet. This may well be because none of the band can stand to speak to one another anymore but it had an extremely pleasant result - it sounded hauntingly beautiful.

It's a strange thing, but drug addled junkies write all the sweetest love songs. Maybe they appreciate addiction? It was true of the Velvet Underground, and it's true of Spiritualized.

It was a strange night as one of the people in our gig group, we'll call her A, is a complete commitment-phobe and she brought her new bloke. However rather than introducing him as such, A spent the evening trying to make J and I come up with reasons why he was annoying and she should dump him. As scary other people's work stuff was mentioned (maths, share portfolios, accounting.......coma) I assumed he was a work colleague and caught on way too late. I don't think it was too bad in that;

- I did describe him as "relentlessly positive". I think I can dodge this one as he's from California and compared to most people from there, most Britons are clinically depressed.

- I did allow him to believe I was serious about 'Ebony and Ivory' being such a powerful song, it should have been played into the crowd to quell the LA riots for a bit too long. This was entirely J's fault, as he mentioned Heather McCartney first.

- When he stated "You can't buy food to eat on the Tube, that's what really drunk English people do" I did say "You haven't met many of A's friends, have you?" This is just factual.

It'll be fine, she'll either dump him or I'll enjoy the photos of the wedding.


Chris said...

"It's a strange thing, but drug addled junkies write all the sweetest love songs"

I don't know why I always disagree vociferously with this when it comes up but I do. Non-junkies are capable of of writing really sweet insightful love songs (Magnetic Fields), lots of great junkie rock-stars are completely incapable of writing anything but drivel about love (Jim Morrison)

I think we're just so programmed to think that there's something special about drug-addiction as it applies to songwriters that we take every example of good song-writing by an addict to confirm the above notion, when instead to my mind it just confirms that there are a lot of addict songwriters.

La G said...

I understand your point, but I think I could have phrased myself more eloquently.
What I meant was that all these bands with hugely drug addled, dark reputations - Velvets, Spiritualized, Jesus and Mary Chain - seem to write the most innocent, almost child like love songs. "I'm Sticking With You" for example.
Most junkies in the actual state of junkiness write crap - even El Junko himself Mr P Docherty agrees with this.