Wednesday 25 April 2007

Happy Days

Good news...

Spent the weekend with Nan and family. She's still frail but has some colour in her cheeks and her sense of humour back. It was highly embarrassing to have her make loud comments about the dress sense and rotundity of other people's visitors and the appalling shitness of the tea, whilst the nurse is giving her it, but was also my Nan back on terribly truthful, take no prisoners form. Really the most terrifying thing about her ill health has been visiting her and having mundane conversations whilst she sits passively like, well, like a little old lady. The best thing is she's absolutely aware that she only gets away with it because she's a little old lady and I aim to be exactly like my nearest elders when I get older.

Through the absolutely tireless efforts of my Dad she's managed to get the only rehab placement in her borough and is now enjoying TLC and bingo for three weeks before she returns home. It's all good.

Spent the day researching dental insurance (my friend just got a £1000 bill! I'd have to give in to the meth addiction at that point) and washing machines from John Lewis. God, I love being a thirty something. Work has been crazy Kafkaness - pm me for details! Actually, please don't.

Tomorrow is different. Tomorrow I'm off to see Spiritualized at Shepherd's Bush Empire. They are from my hometown - I can see how that connection would seem bloody ridiculous if you're from London or New York but when you grow up in Dull Market Town, The Midlands, you grab every local possibility of cool you can - and they rock.

How much do they? I can't wait.

P.S. Happy Belated Birthday Jen! Hope you had a great one :)

1 comment:

Ferdinand the Duck said...

Your Nan sounds awesome. I'm so glad she's starting to do better!